- Some people who want to avoid medication for ADHD turn to caffeine, thinking it is more natural.
- Caffeine has some significant similarities to ADHD stimulant medications and could be considered a medication.
- However, like medications, it can also have side effects, and it does work differently from ADHD medications.
Many people want to avoid medication for ADHD. Some turn to a natural alternative—caffeine—and they may have some success with it. But is using caffeine for ADHD any different from using a medication?
First, let’s consider what a medication is. A medication is defined by the National Cancer Institute as a substance “used to prevent, diagnose, treat, or relieve symptoms of a disease or abnormal condition.”1 Medications contain “one or more active and/or inactive ingredients” and come in the form of tablets, capsules, liquids, creams, or patches.
In our opinion, with its effects on tiredness, mood, memory, alertness, and physical and cognitive performance, caffeine could fit this definition. That makes caffeine the world’s most common stimulant medication.