Too many people say, “I have ADHD, that means I can’t do …” We want you and your child to say: “I have ADHD, I can do anything!” Sure there will be setbacks and frustrations. When they happen think about the one legged gymnast who forges ahead:
Don’t Feel Sorry For Yourself
It's essential for teens to learn to manage their technology. It's so distracting for everyone but especially an ADHDer! Here's a good article that might help!
May 5, 2016Procrastination is a major issue for ADHD. I think in part, ADHDers can feel overwhelmed by the tasks they are facing. They also are more easily distracted by other tasks that can be more enticing to...
March 21, 2016ADHDers frequently have issues with eye contact. Often an ADHDer's eyes will be darting around the room, floating as their focus changes. When you recall them back to attention, their eyes snap to. ...
March 15, 2016