How do you define yourself? Hopefully not by your ADHD:
Related Information:
Eye on the Ball
ADHDers frequently have issues with eye contact. Often an ADHDer's eyes will be darting around the room, floating as their focus changes. When you recall them back to attention, their eyes snap to. ...
March 15, 2016Overcoming Procrastination
Procrastination is a major issue for ADHD. I think in part, ADHDers can feel overwhelmed by the tasks they are facing. They also are more easily distracted by other tasks that can be more enticing to...
March 21, 2016Many People Don't DO Well When They Don't FEEL Well
For focus to be optimal, your child needs to have support. In the book, we talk about how important it is to have good sleep (both enough hours as well as good quality sleep), good nutrition, and exe...
March 18, 2016